Journeys of the Mind

A daily summary of my life and where I'm headed.

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Location: LEWISVILLE, Texas, United States

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Not a bad day, overall.

Today has been fairly quiet. I finished the powerpoint presentation for Speech class this morning, and tested it after reviewing for finals in Problem Solving. I was pleased that it all worked just fine and there didn't seem to be any problems with MS Office having difficulties accepting the OpenOffice document. I do still need to finish my formal speech outline, create the bibliography, print it out and get up there so I can make copies but other than that I'm done for the night as far as school is concerned.

Eddie Howe from work sold us a Christmas tree for $10, without which we would not have been able to afford to buy one at all. Things are pretty bleak financially with Randy having been out of work. I wish that guy would have called him for lunch this week like he was supposed to, but I suppose that I need to learn some patience. Still it's so hard when the money for living just isn't there. If it weren't for my part-time work we'd be completely sunk.

I'm kind of excited about my birthday party tomorrow. It'll be the first sleep-over I've had since I was 15. Heh. It's the first time I've had a place to live in 14 years that I wasn't horrified at the thought of inviting someone to stay the night. This move to Gillette, as hard as it has been at times, has really been very good for us. I thank God for that much. Eddie's doing so well at school and has friends, I'm really proud of the progress he has made. Even Randy has admitted that he no longer feels the pulls of depression despite the financial troubles we are having.

As I look back on the changes I have made in the last two years, I know that we are headed in the right direction. It's just taking us longer to get there than somedays I have the patience to wait for. Still, everything will work out for the best. I know that it will. And hopefully, when the three years left is over, I'll have achieved the goals I set for myself: to obtain a degree, to ensure that my husband and son would be able to survive if I were not in the picture, and to make a difference in the lives of those around me.


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